This time i will focus on Cisco Routers as am very much interested in Routing & Switching..
1) AM NOT GONAA EXPLAIN WHT IS ROUTER....tats wht u should knw...if u dnt thn u can go out and read wht it is!
Here i wil let u knw wht to do ..if u as an administrator ..forgot ur CONSOLE password or Virtual Terminal Password ..ok???
a) you should knw wht is CONSOLE password , you should knw Virtual Terminal password then this article is for u..
fine i gues its if u wannn get rid of any CISCO router password thn follow the steps :
2) Now you need to switch off the router and switch on...
3) Router wil boot like this :
4) now press break key sequence generally its ctrl+break but if ur using some Different IBM Compatible pc's then u need to refer this :
5) Now u will get
rommon 1 prompt
like this :
Self decompressing the image :
monitor: command "boot" aborted due to user interrupt
rommon 1 >
rommon 1 >
6)Now u should use "confreg" command without quotes as like follows :
7) rommon 1 > confref 0x2142
8) rommon 2 > reset
9) Thats it! You just INstalled default configurations..n ur password for Cisco router Pissed off!
10) Now you can Enter into Cisco router and configure whtever u wann...
Basically this procedure is used whn password is forgotten..but malicious hackers can use this procedures
Thy r not Listen to u admins! ahaha
nyways...tats interesting procedure if u hv any queries then feel free to mail me..
Hope u enjoyed this!
Happy Hacking!
Have a pleasant Stay!!!
fantastic information...
forgot router password
Nothing remain forever. Then why to keep same patter of work again and again. Why to repeat same strategy for very essay. Use differ strategy for different subjects because every subject has its own meaning. Keep such posts on.Cisco SG200 POE
How can I buy the CD ONLY to the Linksys RE1000 Wireless-N Range Extender?
I do not have a router and i can only get a weak, slow signal on my ipod touch from a corner in my room. I am using my neighbors wifi and they suggested i got an linksys extender setup that i could put in my room where i get the signal and then it would magnify the signal. Any suggestion?
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